The above is my full interview with Bram Cohen where we get into the details of crypto and why Bram (creator of BitTorrent) is going to create the next generation of programmable money with his new company Chia Network
We were able to draw out simple details of how to understand things like proof of work (which powers Bitcoin), proof of space, and proof of time.
These are the technologies that are being developed in order to build technology that makes trusting fallible humans unnecessary when it comes to transacting value between two or more parties.
I learned in this episode that money is being unbundled. Typically banks perform a lot of services for their customers that are opaque for anyone not working in the banks. Customers trust banks to do all of this which has worked relatively well for a long time.
Crypto is unbundling all of this with its first incarnation: Bitcoin.
Bram is building Chia in order to unbundle a lot of the other services that banks provide which Bitcoin still cannot.
If you want to understand the current state of crypto and the foundational technologies underlying it, I highly recommend listening to the above interview.
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