One of the most important learnings I can transfer to you is that literally nothing in the realm of human understanding is beyond your grasp as long as you can recognize vocabulary that you don't know, learn that vocabulary, and step 3: profit (although I joke, I'm totally serious about the main point).
You may encounter people telling you that you need math equations to fully understand some parts of things, and they are right, but you can still understand those things at a high level, which is good enough to manipulate base reality.
Another point of contention with my main thesis is that not everyone has the natural intelligence levels to do this effectively, and they also have a point. However, I think that intelligence isn't even the right variable. Determination, persistence, and grit are key (I'm an opponent of 'grind-set mindset' theology; slow but steady wins the race every time).
Intelligence just speeds up this process, but really, when it comes down to it, do you have the will to do it? A key part of this that will frustrate the rationalists, who have somehow become so powerful in mimetic battlegrounds lately, is that this also involves destiny.
Is this part of your personal myth to learn this?
If not, you will be hitting your head against a wall and suffering for it until you learn what it is you REALLY want and separate that from what is just a mimetic missile to your soul.
Somewhere along the way, the rationalists decided that destiny, souls, and even God were archaic concepts with no real existence. They may have a point, but not at all in the way they think they do.
My key point here is that reality is not as it seems; it's far more flexible to your will, but it also takes some unlearning as it relates to the various lies that modernity has told us about the nature of reality.
Do with that what you will and have a great day, friends!