The Illusion of Understanding: Why the Ego Fails in a Complex World
It seems clear from a study of ancient societies that what we think we are (the ego, not the Freudian ego, the ramana maharshi ego, the "I thought") is really quite simplistic. It's not capable of grasping the complexity of the real world.
The modern world takes this complexity that it has learned to master with its giant machine and its refined psychotechnologies and tries to bring that complexity to the study of the ego that perceives all of this.
The shared ego is better at understanding symbols than it is at understanding exponentials. In healing work its much better to be simple and be really tuned into what the ego is perceiving and thinking but disregard or devalue the meaning it creates from it, its as good as a hallucination during a psychedelic trip or a dream:
To be forgotten the moment one has reached the understanding and that understanding made a shift to the underlying acceptance of what lies behind and beyond the ego.
I was reading this great book called "Big Science" before sleeping last night describing how "small science" led to "big science" with the discovery of electrons and nuclear physics.
Ernest Rutherford started sending radioactive particles against a gold sheet. He found that the space between the atoms in the gold was so large that the vast majority of these particles just went right through the gold sheet.
1 out of 8000 of the radioactive particles bounced back. This showed that the particles were bouncing off the gold atoms. Most of the gold was actually empty space but the radioactive particles were able to map out which parts of the gold plate was atoms and which part was empty space.
Our eyes hallucinate a solid gold plate. Our eyes can't see this subatomic world. Our minds can't allow for the fact that even our bodies are made up of mostly empty space (I just found it difficult to reconcile how my body feels so solid with what I wrote above).
When Rutherford hit upon the experimental design to elicit this new understanding of atoms and empty space, his design required people to enter a dark room to be able to see the sparks as the radioactive particles hit the atoms.
They would enter the room and have to spend ONE HOUR in the dark to accustom their eyes to the dark so they could not hallucinate other particles. After that one hour they could only look for one minute through the microscope to not hallucinate other particles.
God's great universe is beyond our comprehension. Now we have built modern cathedrals of metal worth billions of dollars all in order to clash sub atomic particles together to continue this work that had to be done in a dark room 100 years ago.
No one person understands and can maintain those machines. Only through team effort does the understanding get produced (and somehow this scientist hive mind was captured by propaganda and turned into an illiberal mess during the pandemic)
The ego is not to be trusted. Reality is far more complex than it can model. Give it healing symbols and devalue its experience until the full divinity of God first saves the ego (through what Christ taught) and then destroys it separation (if that is your destiny, don't make it your destiny if not, see the work of Dr. Hawkins for more on this).It seems clear from a study of ancient societies that what we think we are (the ego, not the Freudian ego, the Ramana Maharshi ego, the "I thought") is really quite simplistic. It's not capable of grasping the complexity of the real world.
The modern world takes this complexity that it has learned to master with its giant machine and its refined psychotechnologies and tries to complicate the symbolic ego at great cost to society.
The shared ego is better at understanding symbols than it is at understanding exponentials. In healing work, it's much better to be simple and tuned into what the ego perceives and thinks but disregard or devalue the meaning it creates from it.
It's as good as a hallucination during a psychedelic trip or a dream:
"To be forgotten the moment one has reached an understanding, which has made a corollary shift to the underlying acceptance of what lies behind and beyond the ego."
I was reading this great book called "Big Science" before sleeping last night, describing how "small science" led to "big science" with the discovery of electrons and nuclear physics.
Ernest Rutherford started sending radioactive particles against a gold sheet. He found that the space between the atoms in the gold was so large that the vast majority of these particles just went right through the gold sheet.
1 out of 8000 of the radioactive particles bounced back. This showed that the particles were bouncing off the gold atoms. Most of the gold was actually empty space, but the radioactive particles were able to map out which parts of the gold plate were atoms and which part was empty space.
Our eyes hallucinate a solid gold plate. Our eyes can't see this subatomic world. Our minds can't allow for the fact that even our bodies are made up of mostly empty space (I just found it difficult to reconcile how my body feels so solid with what I wrote above).
When Rutherford hit upon the experimental design to elicit this new understanding of atoms and empty space, his design required people to enter a dark room to be able to see the sparks as the radioactive particles hit the atoms.
They would enter the room and have to spend ONE HOUR in the dark to accustom their eyes to the dark so they could not hallucinate other particles. After that one hour, they could only look for one minute through the microscope to not hallucinate other particles.
God's great universe is beyond our comprehension. Now we have built modern cathedrals of metal worth billions of dollars, all in order to clash subatomic particles together to continue this work that had to be done in a dark room 100 years ago.
No one person understands and can maintain those machines. Only through team effort does the understanding get produced (and somehow this scientist hive mind was captured by propaganda and turned into an illiberal mess during the pandemic).
The ego is not to be trusted. Reality is far more complex than it can model. Give it healing symbols and devalue its experience until the full divinity of God first saves the ego (through what Christ taught) and then destroys its separation (if that is your destiny, don't make it your destiny if not—see the work of Dr. Hawkins for more on this).
*this is not meant to be a commentary on the work of scientists but on healing work in a world that has become so complex that simplicity is no longer valued