The biggest thing I learned in web 2.0 (been learning things since web 1.0 having grown up in it) is not to cut corners.
Web 2.0 was literally all about cutting corners. Removing the human. Automating everything including things that shouldn't be automated.
Airbnb, Uber, Facebook.
All of these businesses grew to become behemoths on the pure cost cutting mechanism from removing the human from the loop. Not to say they aren't useful. They are very useful. But they are also a headache when something goes wrong (like its going wrong with Whatsapp for me now)
I sense that AI will bring a different game to the playground of life. Sure the job market will change but that in no way means the human is going away. Any system that tries to remove the human will fail (willing to make a bet). Obviously there will be edge cases where humans won't be required but few.