All that is old is new
We have such a long history to draw from to understand the current massive transformation that civilization is currently undergoing, a lot of examples in the record.
All that is new is old.
Yet the current remix we have is new in a way that challenges us.
We can go back 2500 years ago to find examples of the same level of transition that we are faced with (i.e. writing and city-states).
The people who were doing the cutting-edge work (philosophy) were weirdos tinkering with the ideas of what it means to be human; the effect they had was delayed majorly until humanists in the 1500s rediscovered their words.
These humanists had to scrape away the last few hundred years of mundane writings from more contemporary Christian monks who used the old parchment to write out their daily schedules. That's how much their work had been lost to collective consciousness.
So we have the same level of transformation that we are currently undergoing, but it took 1500 years to actually make its way into the collective consciousness.
More recently, we have better examples of profound technological transformation, but we don't have the hindsight to understand what it means for civilization as a whole.
We haven't really understood the potential for brainwashing that took place with mass consciousness that radio allowed, much less cable news and now social media.
Now we have AI, which represents a transformation technology along the lines of the written word, but we don't have time to integrate what it means. AND we still haven't understood what the radio means, what TV means, what nuclear power means, what the internet means.
So what's old is new, but the remix capability of what is new will throw us for a bit of a loop, it seems.
Stay frosty, friends. Keep it real. Try to stay grounded. Who knows what comes next. Do what feeds your soul. Learn how to play a bit more freely. Ride the wave and try your best to enjoy!